Saturday, November 15, 2008

lazzzzy girl

so. i'mma slacker.
i haven't been studying.
i live in a pigsty.
i am pretty sure i'm failing my sats because i don't have my act together.
i write my blogs THE DAY they are due.
i feel like i'm dying under pressure. and the quarter's just begun.
i feel like i'm already behind.
i feel like i'm growing fatter and fatter. and eating wayyy too much.

yesterday's sickness was a wakeup call. 
something's wrong; body's telling me i need to fix it. 

so immediate actions: 
clean the room.
go out running/jogging. at least to wilmington.

make my business plan. get movingggg

work on my academic life. make sure i'm not FAILING anything painfully obvious. and easy. 

work on studying things i usually like to study. maybe start coloring more in my neuro coloring book. ?

study for sats. in a fun wayyy? 

dance. at least a couple times a week. 

choreograph something (?)

write something non-biographical. fanfic perhapss? 


visit some colleges

start thinking of reasons to stay in the area versus reasons to leave. 

make more friends...

ditch friends who are being so non-friendly. [work in progress]

kick my coffee habit in favor of something healthier. (?)

work out more. eat better. 

buy some seriously wonderful clothes/accessoriess!

write a song. 

sing something in public 

go out with friends blowing off something important. 

be happy in january. 


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