Thursday, January 24, 2008

xkcd! :D

i discovered xkcd today.
it's such a cute website.
funny, nerdy, my humble abode, as it t'were.
< and now i want something new.
an escher bracelet.
the minute i saw it i went immediately back about 5 years to cty 03 and the mobius band and how it never ended.
and it was sooooo cool. apparently, escher [google told me] was a math artist. he combined math and art in amazing ways like tessellations, etc. and the mobius band was one of his things. and this bracelet stands for what would escher do? which i think is provocative, nerdy, and amazinggg. i wanttttttt :P
and it looks just liek the livestrong ones. but for the nerdy set. the money could go towards... improved math and sci for the us!
but anyway i'm really digging this xkcd thing. it's soooo awesome. and funny.
the snapple one made me LOL and want to tell the worlddd :)
it's amazing.

midterms are going well. i'm completely and utterly mellow for chem. which is less than what i can say about math, language arts, latin, history, and vb combined. :)
i am sooooo calm. which is a great feeling. i never need to get worked up in science because i know that i know it or i don't. and if don't, i study. if i do, i relax.
and i'm happpppppyyyyy ;)
dancing today made me beyond happy, even though i was tired.
it was amazing. i was/am in love. with dance. w/ my artform. it's great and a great and fullfilling feeling.
:) <3

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