Saturday, August 30, 2008

SCHOOL and other updates

So today is the first weekend of school season. And a lot has happened since my last post. I went to ABI Biotech camp at Roxbury Latin for the summer and had a great time meeting lots of great people, seeing amazing labs, and working on really cool experiments. Then, right after ABI was over, my family and I shuttled on over to Paris and took a train from there to Brussels to meet up with part of my family: my uncle, aunt, and two little cousins. We went to a Brussels museum, ate authentic Belgian waffles and then hurried on over to Amsterdam, where they live. We sight saw Amsterdam and I had a blast with my cousins! Giving them piggyback rides, playing chess, cooking in the kitchen. all sorts of things. Then we went to Paris to sight see and stay for a couple of days in a Parisan apartment. It was sooooo cool. After Paris, we went to India. We went on a pilgrimage our first full day seeing three temples, and then went to my dad's side of the family in chennai for like a day. Then we went to see great grandma, great uncle and aunt down in madurai, india. it was soooo cool. great grandma or kollu paati is reallly old. can't really walk by herself or see or do much but she WANTS to so she does. she reads the newspaper every morning. does sudoku. plays cards. washes her own clothes. it's amazing what a 90yearold woman can do! Then we shuttled on over to Delhi to spend time with our other two cousins and our aunt and uncle up there. That one day with them was action packed and i wished it never ended. Then it was off to grandma and grandpaaaaa for five days in the countryside of satara, india. they were feeling really ill, so the doctors were coming like every day. it was some sort of lung infection or something. i helped out whenever possible, but it was hard. the last couple of days they were feeling somewhat better though, and now they're alright. we even saw sights there like the beautiful mountains and waterfalls. then it was off to home. we didn't do much once we got back. we went kayaking once. i went out to eat at my friend's brother's gradparty part two [i missed part one when i was in india] which was reallllly fun. i read twilight's breaking dawn. i did all my massive ap homework the day before school started. i ran for field hockey. i went to preseason and doublesessions which was torturous and tryouts finally ended yesterday.
i must say i'm thankful for the field hockey system because if it was like soccer or lacrosse or any other sport, this would be emotional. i mean, varsity and jv are big distinctions. but in field hockey, it's pretty much the same. and everyone's together. we are all on the same bus to each game. and no one is cut or on one team for life. it's a very permeable barrier. so i'm on jv. and i'm a junior. and i'm okay with it. i'm actually kind of excited because there are another five or so juniors with me and we all have experience which means that on the field, we have a shot at winning. which is thrilling. and i wanna be one of those people to shoot. something i doubt i would have experienced on varsity right at the beginning this year.
oh and school is very tough this year. i knew that ap classes would mean work but i had no clue what i was in store for. ap homework for the summer hurt my wrists, because of the amount of notes i had written. but that level of work is consistent for the entire year. just this weekend i have to read a chapter and skim another chapter for tuesday. and then for biology i have another whole set of rules and selfmotivated studying i must do just to make it through let alone get to biology olympiad or something further or attain that 5 on the exam.
but i feel so determined now. i feel accomplished. my arangetram helped me to get this feeling. i feel the power of having done something that i was told a few years ago that i probably would never do. and that feels good. and i'm not giving up there. in the realm of dance, i just gave two performances. different songs. back to back at the temple. the temple! the temple is like the pinnacle of indian dance. if you dance badly at the temple, you disappoint GOD. [well, that's how it happens to play out in my head anyways. hey, if it motivates...] and i gave stellar performances. so i'm not going anywhere there. so why give up in everything else that i have been good at for years? exactly.
my goals are getting closer. i can almost taste them. sats are coming and that's my first real test at how much i can work to get to where i want to go. i neeeeeed that 2400 or at least a 2300. if i don't get it, i don't know what i'll do but i don't have to find out because i will get it. i will attain my dream. this is my time. i'm gonna have it all, and you know why? just because i want it!

xoxo, maithreyi [haha, gossip girl is starting on mondayyyyyyy! LOL]

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