Wednesday, February 06, 2008

i love the scene aesthetic...

i love the scene aesthetic...
so the scene aesthetic is the coolest new band i've become hooked on that i just don't have on my ipod cuz of laziness.

i have a post ready. but the xkcd part doesn't make sense.
i thought that today's xkcd was funny but not in the way it normally is.
i like the a/s/l then DEATH BY BASILISK thing but i just didn't get it the first time :P

so here's the post,
" Did i update yesterday? Even if i did, i'll post today!
so, yeah, i did not end up coming CLOSE to winning Poetry Out Loud. but I don't even care. I'm happy with what i HAVE won. I'm happy with where I am. Like as I sit in Casey's class and watch these scenes (scene aesthetic <33) wash over me, I do not feel. I just think. Just laugh at the stupidity of my classmates in front of me. who do not know the charge of NO3-. which is of course -1. but i choose silence. I believe in work for results, not being given them. and stupidity is fun to watch anyways cuz it usually multiplies.
just writing with my Brain Bee pen. Just basking in my ability.
I think that MIT is now a tangible goal. Because I won. Because I love neuro. Because my grades show I am capable. Because Auntie thinks I am capable. Because I'm starting SAT prep on Sunday. Because I think like I think an MIT student would think / I think like an MIT student. And Because I want it. ANd whenever I really want something, and work for it, I usually get it.
Brain bee, for example, was wanted, worked for, and acheived.
everything is falling into place, so POL, though fun, wasn't my aim. at all.
so now i know what tangible entity i want to be.
a course 9 major. at MIT. my hass concentration? no idea.
i love writing.
maybe i'll be an admissions blogger?
i always tangent too much. and not the kind where you're next to a circle, the kind where you runnnnn and go full speed at NOTHING! =)
It's wayy to early to have a college picked out. especially at the caliber of MIT.
but i think I can achieve it.
And having a tangible goal makes college all the more real.
and coming. and looming. and THERE.
i mean, i paid a visit, in a way, to where I want to spend four years of my education. and i left a mark.

i want my PhD in Neuro. esp after seeing what you can do with just a PhD.
you can save lives.
you can research, have a family, and make a difference.

i want to do that.

and MAYBE i want an MD. but right now, the only thing fueling that fire is HOUSE. and that cool dude who said he had an MD/PhD from emory. and he integrates clinic in his research and research into clinic. i think i may like that.
but after MIT.

for now? i'm sticking to winning at high school :)

REYI <3"

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