Tuesday, February 12, 2008

SAT DIE-agnostic & assorted news :)

SAT DIE-agnostic & assorted news :)
so here's a post from behind enemy lines, a prelude to the upcoming junior year death, if you will. the sat diagnostic exam at mit!
(no DIE-agnostic doesn't mean we're all gonna not recognize god. or die. just --> death by sat!)
i'm on the fourth hour of it and no Chris Su :[
ah well, maybe he'll be my post-diagnostic teacher? or maybe he just runs it and doesn't teach?
alllll possible.
i have the feeling that i failed miserably though. and it's a liberating feeling. i mean, i never fail. but i never am presented with an opportunity where my failing isn't detrimental to me. and the diagnostic just shows how good i am at math. and if that's not that good, then i failed. but it's improvable.
that's goooood.

in other news...
the amc 10 was today.
and i have like NOOOOOOO way of winning anything
because i left like 5-10 blank.
because i didn't feel confident. and i felt infinitely more confident in my 1.5 points than in my 0 points.

but i tried hard. and that's all that matters.
i mean, with math, it's all about effort in versus effort out.
if i learned more analytical problems on my own--> i woulda gotten a better grade.
and advanced to the aime.
and so on.
but did i reallllly care?
nahh. more of a science freak. not math.
like math is fun. but not unless you get it. it's like an inside joke that everyone knows but you if you don't get it.

i have a mind-numbing headache.
and i neeeeed to sleep and drink water.
so that jet-lag doesn't killlll mee.
but that's being difficult with the schooling and the-wanting-to read-matt's-blog-ing. and the life which consumes food and pain and cooooooldd.
cooooldd = cold.
for those who don't speak that dialect of reyicoldiness.
i am currently in the "guestroom" freezing my gluts off.
and house isn't on tonight. at least i don't think so.
which makes me angry.
i love house.

and i hateeee school.
i don't want school tomorrow.
i don't want school friday.
but tomorrow-- there's actually a storm.
so we may not have a full day.
fingers crossed.

and i have to dance now.
so good bye cyberland.
i'll be back before i leave.
for italy
[amount of italian learned =

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