Sunday, March 29, 2009

We went to walden. me, ninks, and (grumpy) cousin of ninks.
at one point, we split up...
"looking" for thoreau's replica house.
i was the one who had seen it before.
who supposedly knew where it was.

i was the one who got lost.
see the scene up top?
NOT walden.
the non-walden little oasis off to the side of walden.
a little known running path.
a little known hike.
i met it up to where it hit the hay, physically. i saw a legitimate cornfield, a meadow.
It was beautiful.
Undeniably, indescribably, beautiful.

So was walden. So was the idea of whiling away time with nature, instead of indoors. stuffy, and stuffed.
it was amazing...
even with two really grumpy people who act like they are like 60.
(ahh. so much walking! don'tstop! oh, be careful, you'll fall!)

i love the pictures i took, but i feel like i don't realllly know how i'm going to attribute/afix quotes onto them.
i want them to be symbolic, metaphoric, and figurative.

i'll figure something out.
mother nature has her ways.

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